5 Title Issues that Bring a Car Sale to a Halt

Car sales come with paperwork — a lot of paperwork. One of the most important pieces of paper in a vehicle transaction is the title. Whether it’s electronic or on paper, the car’s title is the final word on a car’s ownership. When someone finances a vehicle, the title belongs to the bank until the […]

How the Microchip Shortage Impacts Your Dealership and the Automotive Industry

You may notice something odd when you drive by car dealerships — there aren’t many cars! This isn’t because cars are flying off showroom floors, as nice as that would be for the automotive industry. For the past several months, a shortage of one tiny part — the semiconductor microchip — has all but halted car […]

How Our Automotive Industry Experience Can Help You

Upon walking into our Orlando office, one of the first things you’ll notice is the banner behind our clerks that boasts “300 years of combined experience.” You may wonder how all those years of experience can benefit you, an overworked dealer or tax collector sorting through piles upon piles of paperwork. With previous experience in […]

Avoid These Common Dealer Paperwork Mistakes

Your dealership, even on its slowest days, can still feel busy. Data shows that car dealerships sell approximately 14 million new cars in the United States each year, which breaks down to around 38,356 cars sold each day. With each vehicle sold comes mounds of corresponding paperwork — both for your customers and for the […]

Adverse Action Notice

Adverse Action Notices, when do you need them?

Two federal laws — the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA), as implemented by Regulation B, and the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) — reflect Congress’s determination that consumers and businesses applying for credit should receive notice of the reasons a creditor took adverse action on the application or on an existing credit account.

Do you need a finance license?

Do you need a finance license as a graphic

Who needs a finance license? Any dealer accepting more than ONE payment from a customer needs a finance license called a Motor Vehicle Retail Installment License. It is important that you apply for the correct one, it must be “motor vehicle” specifically. In addition to the act of taking one or more payments, you will […]

Top Reasons Why Title Work Gets Rejected

rejected stamp

It’s important for your business, and reputation to get title work completed on time and without errors. Refresh yourself on the basics with this expert-level review.

Why All Successful Dealerships Join Associations

dealership associations

There’s one common problem all dealers face: staying educated in an industry that’s constantly changing policies. Being uninformed means risking hefty fines or even more serious liability issues. Thankfully there’s FIADA (which stands for Florida Independent Auto Dealers Association) and they have been the single most useful resource for Florida auto dealers. We sat down with […]